Though most tungsten in the United States is imported (the vast majority comes from China) finding it in the scrap heap is fairly simple wherever you are. Tungsten is used in a wide variety of common items, including jewelry, golf clubs, knives, tools and plenty of other everyday appliances. Tungsten is useful for its durability,

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Copper wire is a commonly used material that is great for recycling. The relative availability of this scrap material and the value of copper wire means it can be well worth your while to recycle it. But before you expend too much effort on the scrapping process, it’s a good idea to calculate your copper

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Stainless steel can be found in a wide variety of industries and even our own homes. From medical instruments to duct work to kitchen appliances, and so much more, stainless steel is prevalent in large part because of its versatility. However, because of that same versatility, you also could find yourself with quite a bit of stainless steel scrap on your hands. Luckily, stainless steel recycling is available at most recycling yards, where you can receive cash for your stainless steel scrap.

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How to Recycle Scrap Metal

Whether laying pipes for commercial plumbing projects, fabricating sheet metal or running utility cables, you know that scrap metal accumulates quickly on the job. Copper pipes, metal shavings, stainless steel and iron are just some of the scrap metals that can start to clutter your job site. However, by recycling your scrap metal, you can not only clear the way for your employees to keep working, but also make some cash in the process. Plus, you do the environment a favor by keeping scrap metal out of landfills.

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Who Buys Scrap Metal Near Me?

If you have scrap metals, it’s important to consider finding a scrap metal buyer near you to recycle the material. This process is beneficial for all involved parties. Those who need to get rid of their scrap metal are unburdened by excess materials, compensated for their product and provided peace of mind that they’re reducing their environmental impact. In turn, the scrap yard is able to recycle the metals to help them create new products.

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Whether you have collected bags of aluminum cans at home or stacks of sheet metal and copper wire at your manufacturing facility, an excess of scrap metals can feel like it’s taking over your space. Selling your scrap metals is a great way to clear out your garage or warehouse and make money in the process.

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Scrap metal recycling is an environmentally responsible way to bring in revenue. However, it can take some savvy to get the best scrap metal prices per pound. Whether you are a general contractor who wants to improve your scrap copper wire prices or a small fabrication business that needs to boost its cast aluminum scrap price, these suggestions will get you the best deal at the scrap yard.

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After a season indoors, you may be ready to refresh your surroundings. For many, spring is a time for cleaning out old junk to make room for a fresh start. But the costs of updates may stop your joy before it can be sparked. One way to pay for a renovation is to take stock

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Moving offices is a regular part of every company’s lifecycle. Even if the business is moving for positive reasons such as staff growth or a more desirable location, most managers do not look forward to dealing with an office move.  But there is a silver lining. As you take stock of everything in your office,

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You are probably familiar with this iconic moment from the movie Jaws: Roy Scheider catches a glimpse of the great white shark they’ve been hunting and utters the line, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” This might be how you feel as you assess the amount of scrap metal you need to remove from your

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